Die Hügelige Landschaft Fahren Turn out of Coventry Parlor, heading WEST on Route 274 Turn Left on Red Corner Road. Enjoy the sweeping right hander, to the stop sign intersection. Turn Left onto Shed Road. Enjoy the 2 mile up hill through the trees to the stop sign intersection. Turn Right on Route 345. Turn Left onto Geigertown Road. Turn right onto Millen Hollw Road, stay left onto Hay Creek Road. Turn right onto White Bear Road. Follow. Turn right onto Route 568 – Green Hills Road to Gibralter Turn right onto Route 724 – Main Street Quick turn left on Gibralter Road, across the River. Turn left at BIG TRAFFIC LIGHT onto 422, and STAY IN RIGHT LANE Take US 422 BUSINESS exit – Perkiomen Ave Turn right onto Howard Blvd / Mineral Spring Road. Turn right onto Clymer Road, stay on Clymer Road at intersection. SHARP RIGHT onto Duryea Drive – enjoy the Reading Pagoda hill climb Stop at top of Reading Pagoda for rest and photos Head North on Skyline Drive Turn right onto List Road Turn left onto Hill Road Right onto Angora Road at the reservoir Right onto Antietam Road Left onto Friedensburg Road, then follow road. Right onto Limekiln Road Left onto Oley Turnpike Road Quick Right onto Limekline Road Left onto Route 562 East to Yellow House Right onto Route 662 South to Amityville and follow to large intersection with Route 422 Straight over Route 422 West onto Church Lane WARNING – BUSY INTERSECTION AND DIP IN ROUTE – USE CAUTION Turn left onto 422 East – Benjamin Franklin Highway – stay in left lane. Take left lane to Benjamin Franklin Highway direction Pottstown Business District Continue straight to Pottstown End downtown, grab a bite to eat and hang out <3